Your Guide To Orthotics

Putting on a shoe is typically one of the easiest things to do. You don’t even have to think about what you are doing in order to properly wear a shoe. It’s as if your brain has been programmed to process the details automatically. How much information on orthotics do we actually have? Do we even know what an orthotics is?

What Are Orthotics?
Simply put, these are shoe accessories. Try to imagine how shoes would feel without inner soles or if you wore them without socks. Not such a comforting thought, right? Orthotics are all the things that are worn inside a shoe to provided added comfortability for your feet. A shoe is not complete without these comforting devices.

What Are The Benefits Of Orthotics?

Apart from making your feet more comfortable and warm, orthotics are also used to:
o Provide proper foot alignment as well as support for the body, ankles, and feet.
o Provide an improved health of the feet and ankles.
o Provide defense or preventive mechanisms for foot deformities.
o Prevent accumulation of moisture in your shoes.
o Orthotics make it possible for foot conditions such as tarsal tunnel syndrome, bunions, and Achilles tendonitis to heal.

What Are Categories Of Orthotics?
There are 3 fundamental types of orthotics where each orthotic will lie. These are custom-made, off-the-shelf, and ankle foot orthotics.

o Ankle Foot Orthotics

An ankle foot orthotic or AFO as commonly referred is specially designed to provide support to the feet as well as make co-ordination of ankle joint muscles easy. AFOs are often custom made to perfectly fit the individual.

An ankle foot orthotic will probably be prescribed by a physician for individuals have unstable ankles, severe flatfoot conditions, and patients who experience pain while co-ordinating foot-ankle muscles

o Custom-Made Orthotics

As the name suggests, these orthotics are customized to match a particular foot type. They can also be made to target individuals with certain foot conditions and specific levels of activity. You may be required to buy shoes that are slightly larger to provide an allowance for fitting a custom-made orthotic.

o Off-The-Shelf Orthotics

These are also called arch supports. They are orthotics that are used for general purposes like providing individuals with added comfortability. They are available in retail outlet stores and more so in sports stores. Arch supports help distribute the body weight evenly on both feet.

What Are Some Of The Tips For Wearing Orthotics?
Inserting orthotics in your shoes is not as straightforward as it seems? You just don’t wake up and insert one perfectly. Here are some great tips though.

o Ensure that your shoes are slightly bigger and that the innersoles are removable. While inserting the orthotic, remove all innersoles or footbeds.

o Strive to buy shoes that have an extra depth. This will ensure that the shoes can accommodate the orthotic without appearing to be stuffed.

o Longer orthotics can be shortened by trimming the softer, top cover with a pair of scissors. Take caution not to trim too much.

o Shoes that come with an adjustable are better than block shoes that lack an adjustable. Laces and buckles are examples of an adjustable.


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